The main takeaway from 2006’s Okami is its beautiful art. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a port of some kind to the Nintendo Switch. Sadly, this one’s trapped on the GBA or in the Wii U’s Virtual Console. This idea stands the test of time, especially since you don’t see mechanics like it too often. In it, Link can shrink down to the size of a pea, giving him the ability to access tiny areas. The main reason Minish Cap stands out - even to this day - is its shrinking mechanic, which is integrated very cleverly into its puzzles and dungeons. In fact, it feels so true to the series that you wouldn’t even know it wasn’t Nintendo-developed. Everything from the art style to the music, dungeons, and quirkiness makes this a standout 2D Zelda game. We bet you didn’t know this game was developed by Capcom! Released in 2005 (2004 in Japan) for the Game Boy Advance, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is a delightful entry in the esteemed series of the best Zelda games. Switch owners have to skip this one, sadly, but at least you can still play Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.

It’s available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Monster Hunter: World is deep, so make sure you play it as a co-op game to make things easier. It extrapolates on the foundation of World, adding new and improved mechanics and an all-new, ice-covered area to explore. Its expansion, Iceborneis not one to skip, either. Its visuals, the sense of awe when facing off against a giant beast, and satisfying progression system make this a great starting point to get into the series. Don’t be fooled - it’s still a wonderfully complex game, featuring addicting gameplay loops that hardly get old. Monster Hunter: World improved upon what the series is about and made it much more accessible to a wider audience. Not only is Monster Hunter: Worldone of the company’s best games ever, it’s also Capcom’s bestselling game of all time, skyrocketing past 15.7 million units sold since its release in January 2018. Here are the best Capcom games of all time. With that in mind, what better time than to walk down memory lane and highlight Capcom’s best games? After all, it’s one of the most renowned companies in the video game industry, with a huge catalog of fan-favorite games across many genres. Though Capcom went through a bit of a rough patch in the early 2010s, the company has enjoyed a massive resurgence in recent years, thanks to some of the best-selling games it has released.

Founded in 1979, the company is known for many beloved video game franchises like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, and the blue bomber himself, Mega Man - among others. Prolific Japanese developer and publisher Capcom has been in the business for over 40 years.