A note will be made for those that need an update. (anything that does NOT go in your Mods folder) and when they were last updated. List of Sims 4 programs, utilities, overhauls, etc.Those that get updated, will be listed in this section. General list of the Custom Content (if any) that broke for the latest pack patch.in the community, check here for their status. Compiled Mod List (Probably what you’re here for).Or if you prefer, you can submit your report(s) via SimsVIP Discord or comment below. Form available to submit your report(s).

To navigate this post, I suggest using the Table of Contents below.I will continue to update the list between patches when I have time.Any mod or update that is for patrons only will not be added until it’s available to everyone.All mod statuses (except those set to Broken) will reset back to Unknown. Every patch I will start a new Broken/Updated post (unless it’s a hotfix patch).If you need help with your game, I recommend trying one of these support servers: Daily/Weekly summaries for changes made to the list for each day will be supplied to Patrons. The more support I have, the more time I can spend on it for you. If these Mod Lists help you, consider becoming a patron! Maintaining this list is very time consuming, so any donation is very much appreciated. New Game Update 1.81 (See Patch Notes Here) is out and you know what that means! That’s right, time to check your mods for updates! Please backup saves and files before using any untested mod.