The fonts are scaled to your projector screen size. – Added help topics: Token security, Warnings and precautions, Additional way to link a notebook, and Notes for upgrading from v2. The Facebook text editor is not a typical HTML editor, so all common features like bold, italic, color, underline, link etc. I would really like this functionality so that I can mark up slides and easily be able to identify my own notes with their own color without having to manually change it for each text box. Select the text and choose the font and font size on the toolbar.

Evernote is a complex but easy-to-use application for taking notes in various formats, including text, photos, media files, documents and web clippings. Whenever you click the edit button, at the top of the actual note textbox, you will get toolbar with the usual bold-italic-underline-etc button + some others function. In the left "Notebook" pane, check the notebooks which we want to change the notes color. Plus, our handwriting recognition means that you can search and find text inside your scribbles. Use them to change the text color, make it bold, italic or superscript, turn text into lists (including to-do lists with checkboxes), align text and create subheadings. Tap the three lines in the bottom left corner to open the menu.